This web map presents chosen variables within the EPA Environmental Justice Screening Dataset for all census block groups in the state of Arizona. Variables were chosen to illustrate the correlation between minority (non-white) population percentage per census block group and environmental factors such as high respiratory hazard index scores or high cancer risk rates.
To view the choropleth map associated with each variable, toggle on and off the boxes corresponding to each variable at the top right of the map. Each choropleth map is partially transparent to allow the user to compare the maps of two or more variables at the same time.Variable Index:
MINORPCT: The percentage of minority (non-white) residents per census block group.
LOWINCPCT: The percentage of low-income residents per census block group.
D_CANCR_2: The estimated lifetime inhalation cancer risk from the analyzed carcinogens in ambient outdoor air.
PNPL: The count of sites proposed and listed on the National Priorities List (NPL) within 5 km of the average resident in a block group, divided by distance, and calculated as the population-weighted average of blocks in each block group.
D_LDPNT_2: The percentage of homes built before 1960; serves as a lead paint indicator.
D_RESP_2: The respitatory hazard index.